Artoo: I wish there was a camp for the deadly stupid
Artoo: where we could put them, have them lobotomized and put them to good use
Artoo: like as drones
Artoo: or medical test subjects
Artoo: or something
Kang: i'd run it if it didn't require so much manual labor
Artoo: c'mon, it's just "round up the prisoners" and "get the flamethrowers"
Artoo: no need to feed them or house them
Kang: but then the nameplate on my desk would sound un-clsasy
Kang: unless you have something that sounds better than "Kang Martelino, Director, Camp for the Deadly Stupid"
Artoo: Kang Martelino - Death Incarnate, M.D.
Artoo: because "Camp for the Deadly Stupid" sounds like a summer camp for retards
Kang: muuuuuch better |D
Artoo: I'd make my nameplate
Artoo: Arturo Reyes - Fear Incarnate
Artoo: or
Artoo: Arturo Reyes - Yells a Lot